We’ve Got Amazing News!!

We will be launching Assets Microfinance Banking App soon where you will be able to buy eNaira and carry out transactions with eNaira! 

eNaira: Same Naira, More Possibilities

The eNaira is a digital currency issued by the Central Bank of Nigeria.   

One eNaira is equivalent to one Nigerian Naira cash and it can be used for transactions, just like the cash. Though it can only be accessed electronically, eNaira serves as a medium of exchange and a store of value, offering better payment prospects when compared to cash payments.   

 Download the eNaira app from the app store on your mobile phone and select Assets Microfinance Bank as the preferred bank.   

Over View

There is so much you can do with E-naira

The possibilities with the E-naira are limitless. It can be used for both international and local trade. Other features of eNaira are 

  • It can be used for remittance which includes a cheaper diaspora remittance option
  • It is universal – anybody can hold it
  • It does not yield any interest
  • Payments can be made by scanning QR codes
  • You can monitor your e-wallet activities